Data Privacy

Por admin, 30 Junio, 2023

• 1. Voluntariness in providing data 

• 2. Authorization for the use of personal information 

• 3. Collection and use of Information 

• 4. Intransferability of data 

• 5. Site Communications 

• 6. Access to information by persons linked to registered data 

• 7. Appropriate security methods 

• 8. Changes to this Policy 

• 9. Closing an account

These statements are intended to inform users about the processing of personal data carried out by Kontent Room, so that they can freely and voluntarily determine whether or not to provide their personal data when requested or obtained through the use of any of the services available on Kontent Room. Kontent Room considers any information about a user to be personal information and therefore ensures the privacy and confidentiality of such information at all times. The confidentiality of user information implies its maintenance in secure files, banks or databases so that access by third parties who are not authorized for this purpose is restricted. For questions about this Policy or any circumstances relating to the processing of personal information, users may contact us by email at:

  1. Voluntariness in providing data 


This Policy is intended to inform users about the processing of personal data carried out by Kontent Room, so that they can freely and voluntarily determine whether or not to provide their personal data when requested or obtained through the use of any of the services available on As a general rule, when a personal data is requested to use a service or access certain content, the provision of such data is not mandatory, except in cases where it is specifically indicated that it is a required data for the provision of the service or access to the content.

  1. Authorization for the use of personal information


 The user who provides their personal data expressly authorizes Kontent Room to use the data provided for the purposes set out herein. This also implies acceptance of all the terms contained in this Policy and the General Terms and Conditions.


  1. Collection and use of Information 


The purpose of collecting and processing personal data is to provide, manage, administer, personalize, update and improve the services and content made available to users by Kontent Room.


  1. Intransferability of data


All personal data collected from users is for internal use only. Whenever personal information is collected as part of a direct relationship with a user, in respect of the privacy and confidentiality of users, Kontent Room will not transfer or disclose that personal information to any third party that is not part of Kontent Room or its associates. Personal information of users will only be shared with third parties in the following cases: • When there is a legal obligation to do so. • When there is an order issued by a competent court of justice.


  1. Site Communications 


Occasionally, data may be used to send communications to users regarding the services provided by Kontent Room.


  1. Access to Information by Individuals Associated with Registered Data

As such, the user will be able to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation of data, and opposition, which will be mentioned later.

The exercise of these rights can be carried out by each user by means of communication addressed to Kontent Room, according to the contact information provided here.

Once the user's data has been entered, Kontent Room will proceed with the rectification, deletion, or updating of the affected person's personal data, when appropriate.

The deletion of any data will not proceed when it could cause damage to the legitimate rights or interests of third parties, or when there is a legal obligation to retain the data.

The Right to Request Rectification of Data:

In principle, the right to request rectification can be exercised in case of falsity, inaccuracy, imprecision, or erroneous nature of the data. Its recognition implies the preservation of the truthfulness of the information, a condition that contributes to the quality of the data.

The Right to Request Update of Data:

Updating is about preserving the validity of the data, that is, the correspondence of the information provided with the temporal scope in which it is provided.

Rights to Addition and Disassociation:

Users may request that additional information be added to registered data when they are considered incomplete in such a way that they do not reflect the realities they represent.

In a similar vein, they may also demand the disassociation of data whose qualities or characteristics only allow their treatment without the possibility of establishing associations or links with the data subjects.

Rights to Deletion and Confidentiality:

The "deletion" of data implies its definitive elimination from the file or record, that is, its complete disappearance, without any record of its previous registration.

  1. Appropriate Security Methods:

Kontent Room adopts all logical and physical security measures required by regulations and those resulting from adequate prudence and diligence in the protection of users who have placed their trust in Kontent Room to protect the personal information gathered against unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. Kontent Room evaluates and improves its security systems whenever necessary.

  1. Changes to this Policy:

In case of modification of this Policy, changes will be published in this section. Kontent Room reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, for which purpose users must be regularly informed.

  1. Closing an Account:

In the event that a user decides to close their Kontent Room account, our Privacy Policy will continue to apply to that user. All personal information will be deleted from Kontent Room's systems.